MeioScool - Meiofaunal Summer School

MeioScool's objective is to bring together several meiofaunal experts in order to:

1) Increase awareness of researchers, students and general public about the fundamental role of meiofauna in marine ecosystems from the coastal zone to abyssal depths.

2) Train students and researchers in the identification and description of meiofauna through several complementary disciplines (taxonomy, ecology, molecular biology, etc) and stimulate a new generation of meiobenthologists.

The MeioScool workshop will last 5 days. The first two days will be devoted to conferences while the 3 following days will be devoted to field and laboratory work.

MeioScool planned sessions are: meiofauna biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, meiofauna biodiversity and biogeography, meiofauna-macrofauna interactions, prokaryotes-meiofauna interactions, meiofauna response to climate change and anthropogenic impacts, meiofauna from extreme environments, deep-sea fauna (focus on deep-sea nodules), meiofauna and microplastics, meiofauna sampling and extraction, meiofauna in-situ experiments and colonisation devices, confocal microscopy and SEM, Fluorescence in Situ Hydridization technique (FISH), barcoding, metabarcoding, metagenetic, metagenomics, phylogenetic analyses, taxonomy of Foraminifera, taxonomy of Copepoda, taxonomy of Nematoda, taxonomy of Tardigrada, taxonomy of Kinoryncha, taxonomy of Loricifera, taxonomy of Rotifera, taxonomy of Polychaeta, taxonomy of Isopoda, taxonomy of Tanaidacea.

MeioScool Invited Speakers: Sophie Arnaud-Haond, Pedro Martinez Arbizu, Magdalena Blacewicz, Paulo Bonifacio, Marie-Anne Cambon-Bonavita, Valerie Cueff-Gauchard, Diego Fontaneto, Andy Gooday, Stefanie Kaiser, Jeroen Ingels, Reinhardt Møbjerg Kristensen, Daniel Leduc, Florence Pradillon, Nuria Sánchez Santos, Aurélie Tasiemski, Ann Vanreusel, Dorothée Vincent and Helena Wiklund.

MeioScool provides grants for students and researchers to attend the conference, for information please visit the MeioScool2016 website.

Deadeline for Abstract Submission/Registration: March 15th, 2016

Please contact the MeioScool website for more information.

Please note that ForBio will cover the travels and registration fees for Norwegian ForBio members only.

Published Feb. 16, 2016 10:13 AM - Last modified Feb. 16, 2016 10:13 AM