CIBIO course: Advanced Course on Phenotypic Evolution

Welcome to an advanced course on "Phenotypic evolution - causes and consequences of morphological variation" taking place at the CIBIO during three full days in April (April 3, 4, and 5).

The course will be divided in three main sections, including a first theoretical part focusing on the mechanisms that generate morphological variation and how this variation is correlated with distinct performances in functions, followed by an overview of the tools available to study such variation and finally the examination of study cases where the theoretical bases and the methodological tools are applied to answer scientific questions. The course will be opened and closed by practical exercises to understand what morphological variation is and how to use it to test different scientific hypotheses.

The course will take place on April 3, 4, and 5 during three full days and will be limited to a maximum of 30 participants.To register, please provide a short motivation letter (max 1 page) indicating why you are interested in participating and how this course would be relevant for your research or research interests. Participants will be selected based on their motivation letter. Letters of motivation should be sent by March 1st to Registration will be free for CIBIO students of the Master and PhD Program in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. A registration fee of 25 or 50 euros will be applied to students outside the CIBIO and to Postdocs and Researchers (including those of the CIBIO), respectively.

Additional information can be found here or by contacting Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou (

Please note that ForBio will not cover any costs for participation in this course.


Published Feb. 4, 2013 11:57 AM - Last modified Feb. 4, 2013 12:22 PM