ForBio Annual Meeting - Virtual 2020

ForBio is organizing a different annual meeting this year. We want to provide a platform to share your research and meet, but this should also be safe and inclusive. We will have a fully virtual ForBio Annual Meeting! All MSc and PhD students, postdocs, supervisors, faculty and the broader biosystematics community are invited to attend the 10 th ForBio Annual Meeting, organized by the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo.


General information




ForBio annual meetings bring scientists and students focused on biosystematics together to talk about their projects and current results, to share experiences on methods, and support networking within the scientific community. We encourage particularly early career researchers to use this meeting as an opportunity to present and discuss their own research in biosystematics and meet peers.

Keynotes for the meeting:

  • Professor Tom Gilbert (University of Copenhagen), 'Dogs and Wolves in Time and Space'
  • Professor Catherine Kidner (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh) 'Visible and invisible diversity in a mega-genus'
  • Assistant Professor Kristy Deiner (ETH Zurich), ' Why eDNA researchers need biosystematists'
  • Associate Professor Michael Matschiner (Natural History Museum, University of Oslo), 'The role of hybridization in diversification'


The registration deadline was November 8th, 2020 .


The meeting takes place from Thursday to Friday (December 3-4, 2020). The program and abstract book has been sent out in November.


All ForBio members and associates are invited to submit contributions to present their research! You will be asked to upload your abstract as a Word file when registering for the meeting. Please use the provided abstract template to format your abstract.

All contributions will be oral. Talks will have 10-15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. Upon the presenter's approval, these talks will be uploaded on a private server prior to the session. Poster presentations will include a 3-5 min speed talk (4 power-point slides). Posters and power-point slides will be uploaded on a private server for viewing by conference participants. These short talks should give more people the opportunity to present, increase information density and reduce digital meeting fatigue. Please submit your abstract (maximum 350 words) at the time of registration. We endeavor to give all contributions a slot, but will assess abstracts for quality and relevance. Awards will be given out for best talks, best poster and best questions.


- Valentina Tyukosova, NTNU University Museum
Species delimitation within the Lebertia porosa (Acari, Parasitengona: Hydrachnidia) species cluster

Damaris Matten, NTNU University Museum
Phylogenetic diversity of Fennoscandian vascular plants: Do we protect the relevant areas?

Rajesh Shigdel, University of Bergen
Association of oral microbiome in patients with asthma

Lara Beckmann, University Museum of Bergen
Insights into the Diversity of Hydractiniidae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in Norway

Ann Evankow, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
Integrative taxonomy of the Psoraceae (Lichenized Ascomycota)

Maryam Rezapoor, University of Bergen
Cryptic diversity in the leptothecate genera Laodicea and Tiaropsis (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)

Solveig Løken, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
Phylogeny, character state evolution and species delimitation in three African monocot genera: Drimiopsis, Ledebouria and Resnova (Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloidea)

Martin Hektoen, NTNU University Museum
Diversity of the Prionospio generic complex in Norwegian waters

Niko Johansson, University of Helsinki
Characterizing biological diversity attached to bird feathers - woodpeckers as dispersal vectors for lichens?

Polina Lepikhina, Moscow State University
Impact of environmental factors on free-living nematode community structure in the Kara Sea

Filippo Castellucci, University of Copenhagen
Taxonomy, Phylogeography and Myrmecophily of the spider genus Mastigusa (Araneae, Hahniidae)

Zhanna Osipova, Moscow State University
First record of deep sea phoronids

Aku Korhonen, University of Helsinki
Wood decayers under disturbance: spruce logs and their fungal communities on urban-rural gradient

Maonian Xu, University of Iceland
Intraspecific specimen identification using mass spectrometry-based “chemical barcoding”: an example of Icelandic club moss Huperzia selago

Contact Hugo de Boer or  Quentin Mauvisseau  for any questions.

Published June 11, 2020 4:09 PM - Last modified Dec. 2, 2020 8:52 AM