Analysing environmental DNA samples using a ddPCR platform

Course description

Ecosystems worldwide are changing at unprecedented rates, driven by various anthropogenic impacts on climate change, pollution and habitat degradation. This results on an ongoing biodiversity crisis with high rates of species losses. To mitigate this, it is necessary to establish which species are present and their abundance in impacted environments. Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection and quantification allow to achieve both using cutting-edge droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) analyses. However, using this new analytical tool come with challenges: how to design primers adaptable to ddPCR and other technologies? How to modify existing protocols from older technologies to fit the requirements of ddPCR? How to handle and analyse ddPCR results? How to include ddPCR results in conservation management plans, global databases, and future project applications?

This workshop will include lectures/presentations on theoretical aspects of ddPCR analysis and various case studies from international experts.

The aims of the workshop are: (i) identify the benefits and challenges of ddPCR analysis for eDNA or other applications, (ii) how to design new protocol and adapt existing ones for a use on a ddPCR platform, (iii) how to analyse and make sense of the data.

This workshop aims to train future users to the new ddPCR technique for their research, and strengthen international collaboration with the course participants.

This in person workshop will be held at the Natural History Museum in Oslo. ForBio provide no support for travel and accommodation.

Course teachers 

Quentin Mauvisseau from the Natural History Museum in Oslo, Megan Gross from RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Rein Brys, Charlotte Van Driessche, Teun Everts, Io DeflemSabrina Neyrinck and David Halfmaerten from The Research Institute for Nature and Forest in Belgium (INBO).

Length & Time Commitment

3 consecutive days .

Diploma & ECTS credits

If you complete the course, you will get on request a certificate stating your participation and 1 ECTS credits

Number of Participants ~ 10

Dates: Tuesday 10th to Thursday 12th October 

Registration: closed

Contact: Micah Dunthorn - Quentin Mauvisseau for practicalities. 

Published Sep. 1, 2023 2:18 PM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2023 11:33 AM