ForBio/BIGTREE course: Introduction to Bioinformatics


Course content

With genomics projects come a deluge of data. Its availability can be as exciting as it is frustrating, with students and postdocs needing to learn novel tools, including programming languages and the ins-and-outs of working within a High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment. This course aims to equip students with tools to solve practical problems with analyzing large genomic datasets that require scripting and access to an HPC.

This course covers the following topics, offering both theoretical and practical classes:

  1. Introduction to UNIX and the command line
  2. Best practices for using Saga, the Norwegian academic HPC system 
  3. Building your own bioinformatic toolkit: How to manually install programs; introduction to “conda”, a popular software management package; how to see and load programs that are readily available to users in Saga
  4. Develop a workflow for assembling plastid data, and performing BLAST alignments 
  5. R/R-studio for data management, querying databases, and graphical applications

Teachers: José Cerca, Emma Whittington and Mike D. Martin

Credits: 3 ECTS will be offered to all participants successfully completing the written assignment based on exercises given during the course. Grade: Pass/Fail.

Level: PhD-level course, aimed at early-stage Ph.D. students as well as motivated M.Sc. students. Post-docs with little bioinformatics experience may apply as well. 

Fee: There is no course fee. 

ForBio membership: You need to register either as a Forbio member or associate to participate in our courses. Please have a look at for more information about ForBio membership.

Application: Please use this form to register. This course will be given on-line via Zoom platform. All classes are scheduled as afternoon sessions European time to allow on-line participation of the Latin American students from the BiGTREE project.

Maximum number of participants: 30.

Click here to download the course programe. 

The application deadline is 29 August 2022.

Contact Galina Gusarova ( for more information.


Published May 30, 2022 8:28 AM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2022 4:24 PM