ForBio course: DNA Metabarcoding: Data processing and interpretation.

ForBio (Research School in Biosystematics) and the Arctic University Museum of Norway jointly offer an International course in DNA Metabarcoding. The course will link its teaching program to the current research projects run by invited lecturers to strengthen the connection between education and cutting edge research methodologies. 

DNA metabarcoding is a rapid method of biodiversity assessment utilizing environmental DNA (DNA obtained from sediments, soils, water etc) which combines two technologies: DNA based species identification and high-throughput DNA sequencing. While working on bioinformatic analyses using Obitools and R and R-studio, we also discuss field sampling and wet lab design, as well as more subject-specific questions of various applications of DNA metabarcoding. These will include sedimentary DNA, diet analyses, paleoDNA studies among others. 


Eric Coissac, LECA, Grenoble

Inger G. Alsos, The Arctic University Museum Museum, UiT Sandra Garcés Pastor, The Arctic University Museum, UiT

Anthony Chariton, Dept. Biological Sc., Macquarie University, Sydney

Peter Heintzman, The Arctic University Museum, UiT

Pierre Taberlet, LECA, Grenoble
Nigel Yoccoz, Dept Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT

(ii) Course organization and teaching assistance:

Aya Komatsu, The Arctic University Museum, UiT, 

Luke Elliott, The Arctic University Museum, UiT,


The course programme is available here. We are planning to include broadcasting of lectures and practical classes via zoom webinars for the participants who are not able to travel to Tromsø/Norway due to covid-19 situation. 

Financial aid: Participation of the Norwegian-affiliated students/researchers will be covered by ForBio. Other applicants will need to secure their own funding to cover travel to Tromsø, accommodation and subsistence for the course duration. There are no course fees. 

Registration and selection process: Please fill in the online application here. ForBio reserves the right to give priority to the PhD students having their research focus on DNA metabacoding applications. 

The course is equivalent of 2.5 ECTS points, ForBio will provide certificates for those successfully completed the course assignment. For the participants wishing to obtain 3 ECTS an additional task can be provided. The course forms a part of a larger course run at the UiT - Bio8025/Bio3025 - "Molecular identification for species diagnostics: from DNA Barcoding to Metabarcoding - 5 stp".

Find out about how to become a ForBio member here.

A maximum number of participants: 20.

The application deadline is December 11, 2020.

Results announced by December 21, 2020, via email.

Contact Galina Gusarova ( for more information.


Published Oct. 1, 2020 2:12 PM - Last modified Feb. 8, 2021 12:58 AM