ForBio course: Introduction to phylogenetic methods

The is an introductory course that is aimed at students who will need to preform phylogenetic analyses in their work, but who have little or no experience with phylogenetic analyses. The course will cover all basic aspects of phylogenetic analyses with emphasis on use of DNA data. Students will learn how to prepare their data, explore its properties and how to analyze it using distance, parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian methods. In the last two days students will also get an introduction to molecular dating with focus on the use of BEAST and to comparative methods used to study the evolution of discrete and continuous traits.

                                                            Image: Wikipedia

Participants are encouraged to bring their own data if they have one. Having own data is not required but we aim to provide some time after the classes every day for open discussion and question where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions relevant to their specific research and to interact among each other and with the instructors.

Each student is expected to bring a laptop with preinstalled software (detailed instructions will be sent before the course to the admitted students).

Credits. 5 ECTS for a passed take-home exam (to be distribute electronically in early December 2020). Participants will receive a certificate issued by ForBio.

The course is taught by Dimitar Dimitrov (University of Bergen), Niklas Wahlberg (Lund University) and Sergei Tarasov (Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki).

There is no course fee for ForBio members or associates. Travel  and shared accommodation are covered for ForBio members based at Norwegian institutions. Local transportation is not covered.

Find out about how to become a ForBio member/associate here.

Please apply for the course here.

Application deadline: October 5th, 2020

Contact Dimitar Dimitrov ( for questions about the content of the course or Nataliya Budaeva ( for more information about ForBio and course logistics.

Published Dec. 9, 2019 10:45 AM - Last modified Aug. 20, 2020 9:59 AM