ForBio, IBA and DEEP: Creating Scientific Illustrations

Course description

Explaining scientific research, including your PhD research, is an essential process, but it is not always an easy task. Being able to translate complex research into information that can be understood by a wide range of audiences is an important skill that will help you throughout your career. Not only will this help you understand your own work better, but it will give you the tools to be able to explain your work to others. Clearly this is important during your defence, but also it will be important later too. Funding bodies require creative outreach solutions, publishers demand pictures to go along with scientific articles, and parents DO like to know what their kids have been doing these past few years!

Amongst the many effective communication tools at our disposal, illustration is an ideal option. Visually representing your work gives your audience an additional perspective. Illustrations tell stories in ways that text cannot, and therefore makes complex information more accessible. Illustration itself is also a relatively low-cost, time effective option that can be distributed easily.

But with so many different factors to consider, like aesthetics, technical ability and storytelling, it is easy to see that distilling an entire PhD into one image can be a daunting task. During this course, I will give you the practical tools to be able to translate your research into a digital illustration. You will learn the essentials of graphic design and visual communication theory, drawing by hand and drawing digitally. We will combine these new theoretical and technical skills to create a digital illustration from your PhD research.

The lecturer

Alexandra Pina Kingman is an award-winning animator and filmmaker. Originally from Vancouver Canada, she is now based in Bergen, Norway. Her work focuses on telling scientific and medical stories so that the information is accessible to any audience.


This course is offered as a joint effort of three Norwegian research schools: DEEP, ForBio and IBA.


Please fill in the online application here. Travel is covered for ForBio members based at Norwegian institutions.

Application deadline

February 10th 2019

Contact: Hugo de Boer for more information.

Published Jan. 29, 2019 9:26 AM