Basic handling of spatial data in R

Date: September 26th 2019, 12.00-17.00 (first hour = installation and lunch), 17:00- 19:00 (individual assignments)

Description: During the workshop 'Handling spatial data in R' we will focus on several applications related to the reading, processing and plotting of spatial data within the R environment (maps, species ranges, etc.). It’s preferable if participants have basic knowledge of the R programming language. We will introduce several R- packages related to processing spatial data and will work with both, polygons and raster data, and learn how to convert between the two. Further we will run exercises related to plotting species diversity and individual species range maps. This workshop is intended to familiarize participants with the most common spatial data operations and transformation in biological research and provide a toolkit for further exploration of the topic.

Course teachers: Tobias Andermann, Matthias Obst

Recommended background: Basic R knowledge required

Course level: PhD level (motivated Master's students welcome)

Food: Lunch will be provided for all course participants

Application: A short motivation (5 lines stating goals and expectations) should be submitted to latest by 10th September 2019.

Contact: Tobias Andermann (, Matthias Obst (


ForBio will cover travel and one night of accommodation for ForBio members based at Norwegian institutions. Contact Hugo de Boer for more information.

Published Aug. 26, 2019 1:23 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2019 1:39 PM