Advanced handling of spatial data in R

Date: September 27th 2019, 12.00-17.00 (first hour = installation and lunch), 17:00- 19:00 (individual assignments)

Description: In this workshop we will cover common challenges that arise with any kind of spatial coordinate data in biology. Knowledge of the tools introduced in this workshop is essential when presenting spatial biological data (e.g. a map of sampling sites) in presentations or publications.
More specifically we will discuss strategies to deal with the non-independence of spatial data points also known as spatial autocorrelation. Further we will address challenges arising in global analyses from the simple fact that the earth is round. We will also touch upon some of the globally available environmental predictors often applied in spatial analyses and their potential challenges.
Participants are required to have basic knowledge of the R programming language and more specifically with spatial operations in R. We therefore encourage participants to review our basic spatial R workshop at

Course teachers: Søren Faurby, Tobias Andermann, Matthias Obst

Recommended background: Basic R knowledge required

Course level: PhD level (motivated Master's students welcome)

Food and installation help: We recommend joining us up to 1 h prior to the start of the workshop for setting up all software requirements. During this time free lunch will be provided for all course participants.

Application: A short motivation (5 lines stating goals and expectations) should be submitted to latest by 10th September 2019.

Contact: Søren Faurby (, Tobias Andermann (, Matthias Obst (


ForBio will cover travel and one night of accommodation for ForBio members based at Norwegian institutions. Contact Hugo de Boer for more information.

Published Aug. 26, 2019 1:39 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2019 1:50 PM