ForBio course: Marine Non-Indigenous Species

ForBio - is organising an course on Marine Non-Indigenous Species

The aims of this course is to:

(1) provide theoretical background knowledge about marine non-indigenous species (NIS) including terminology, causes and potential consequences of NIS, the factors influencing translocations and success of colonisations and the potential vectors and the criteria for assessing NIS and

(2) identify the most common NIS / target species in Scandinavian waters using specimens from natual history collections and alive specimens collected around the station. Comparison of NIS and local similar species will be made. Identification cards and fact sheets will be provided. 

Theoretical and practical lectures will be accompanied with discussions about the consequences of NIS to native environments, loss/increase of diversity and diseases.

Format: 5 day intensive course with theoretical and practical sessions (40 hours + preparation + final report/assignement- for those aiming to receive a certificate with ECTS)


Vivian Husa, Institute of Marine Research in Norway (IMR), Bergen

Arjan Gittenberger, Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden / GiMaRIS

Eivind Oug,  Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Oslo

Joann Porter, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburg  

Maria Capa, ForBio  & NTNU University Museum, Trondheim


21 May

11.00 Welcome, presentation of the course schedule and logistics

11.15 Introduction (Important definitions, current knowledge of the problem at global scale, criteria for assessing NIS).

12.00 Vectors and factors influencing translocations

12.30 Management and legislation (monitoring programs, Nordic countries vs Europe rest of the world)

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Methods for assessing NIS (DNA barcoding or eDNA/metabarcoding).

14.30 Collecting techniques (eg. HELCOM/OSPAR)

15.00 Collecting along Drøbak & processing of samples. Animals kept alive in marine tanks.

22 May

9.00 Bryozoa . Introduction  (Biodiversity, Systematics, Ecology and Biology). Diagnostic features and terminology.

10.00 Lab work

12.00 NIS in Nordic waters

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Cnidaria & Tunicates. Introduction (Biodiversity, Systematics, Ecology and Biology). Diagnostic features and terminology

14.30 Lab work

16.30 NIS in Nordic waters

23 May

9.00 Mollusca. Introduction (Biodiversity, Systematics, Ecology and Biology). Diagnostic features and terminology

10.00 Lab work

12.00 NIS in Nordic waters

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Annelida. Introduction  (Biodiversity, Systematics, Ecology and Biology). Diagnostic features and terminology

14.30 Lab work

16.30 NIS in Nordic waters

24 May

9.00 Crustacea. Introduction (Biodiversity, Systematics, Ecology and Biology). Diagnostic features and terminology

10.00 Lab work

12.00 NIS in Nordic waters

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Continuation…

25 May

9.00 Algae. Introduction (Biodiversity, Systematics, Ecology and Biology). Diagnostic features and terminology

10.00 Lab work

12.00 NIS in Nordic waters

12.30 Lunch

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Other groups. Diagnostic features of a few species of fish (e.g Neobious…)

14.30  Wrap up, discussion  and conclusions


Maximum number of participants: 20

Course level: PhD students, Master students, researchers and biodiversity consultants.

Previous knowledge required. Taxonomic expertise in at least one of the main groups to be dealt with (Algae, Decapoda, Bryozoa, Molluscs, Annelida…) or a strong background in marine ecology and conservation.

Course materials.  Lab facilities (microscopes, marine tanks, collecting gear) are available at Drøbak Field station. Species determination literature will be provided.  Students are requested to bring their own forceps and dissecting equipment. 

Assignment and credits: The course is equivalent to 2 ECTS. ForBio will provide certificates for those successfully complete the course assignment. 

Registration: Please fill in the online application here. There is no course fee for ForBio members or associates. The course includes accommodation and meals for ForBio members and associates at the Drøbak Field Station. Travel is covered for ForBio members based at Norwegian institutes.

Find out about how to become a ForBio member here.

Extended application deadline is April 28, 2018.

Contact Maria Capa ( for more information.


Published Dec. 6, 2017 10:58 AM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2018 12:04 PM