ForBio and STI course: Entomology hands-on: collecting, sorting, species ID

The course presents several aspects of insect handling in field and in collections. You will get hands-on experience in collecting, handling, sorting, identifying and preserving of insects. We will broadly cover different taxonomic levels/groups, and provide some opportunities to dive deeper into some of them.

Learning targets:

  • Understand several methods for collecting
  • Knowledge of taxonomic sorting methods and tools
  • Knowledge of identification procedures for most larger insect groups
  • Basic understanding of advanced techniques for species ID in lab

Participants are expected to read literature prior to the course, and take active part in all sessions. Station Linné is coordinating the largest Malaise trap project ever run in Scandinavia: “SMTP”, Swedish Malaise Trap Project, and preserved SMTP-material will be one of the parts of the course content.


Dave Karlsson (DK)

Bengt-Åke Bengtsson (BÅB)

Bengt Andersson (BA)

Mattias Jaschhof (MJ)

Björn Rulik (BR)

Elisabeth Stur (ES)

Aina Mærk Aspaas (AMA)

Preliminary programme is available here 

Target group: PhD students, master students, researchers, consultants, government officials/museum staff - with relevant background in biology.  

Working language: English/Scandinavian                                                                                                                      

Recommended course credits:  3 ECTS 

Number of participants: Maximum 18.

Course Fee, Accommodation and food costs: There is no course fee. ForBio members that are PhD/MSc-students or PostDocs in Norway can have travel, accommodation and food costs covered. ForBio assoiciates will have to pay for accommodation and food. Applicants affiliated to Swedish Universities/Research Institutes will get their accommodation and food (not travel) covered by STI. All other categories of participants will have to use own funds for travel as well as to cover accommodation and catering at the station. The costs of accommodation at the Station Linné and food (combination of catering and self-service) is 2800 SEK for the whole duration of the course, 8 days.

Registration: Register with a short CV indicating the nature and stage of your interest or research project. The registration form is provided here. Registration deadline is July 1, 2018. Priority will be given to students/researchers enrolled in the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative and to members of ForBio, should the maximum number of participants be exceeded.



Published Mar. 15, 2018 11:30 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2018 1:55 PM