ForBio and UiB course: Introduction to phylogenetic methods

ForBio students are invited to participate in the regular University of Bergen (UiB) course on Phylogenetic methods (BIO332). 

Ernst Haeckel's "tree of life", Darwin's metaphorical description of the pattern of universal common descent
Ernst Haeckel's "tree of life", a metaphorical description of the pattern of universal common descent 

The course is aimed primarily at students who will do phylogenetic computation in their thesis work, but who have no hands-on experience with some of the more frequently used software applications. Introductory lectures will cover topics such as properties of data and trees, models of evolutionary change, phylogenetic signal, model testing, and hypothesis testing. The students will learn how to prepare their data, explore the properties of the data, how to use distance, parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian methods in computation in packages such as PAUP*, MrBayes, BEAST, RaxML, and how to present results with graphical applications. Details of the course program can be found here

Schedule: the course comprises lectures that are taught during the autumn semester and a week of practical sessions (19-23.11.2018) that is open for additional external students. External ForBio students are required to study electronic course material in order to prepare for the computing class in November.

Each student is expected to bring his/her own laptop with preinstalled software (detailed instructions will be sent before the course to the admitted students).

UiB grants 5 ECTS for a passed take-home exam (to be distribute electronically in early December 2018) in this course. External participants will receive a certificate issued by the Department of Biology, UiB.

The course is taught by Endre Willassen (UiB) with additional instructors (to be named). 

Please apply for the course here.

Application deadline: October 14th, 2018

There is no course fee for ForBio members or associates. Travel  and shared accommodation is covered for ForBio members based at Norwegian institutions. 

Find out about how to become a ForBio member/associate here.

Contact Endre Willassen ( for questions about the content of the course or Nataliya Budaeva ( for more information about ForBio and course logistics.

Published Sep. 4, 2018 1:49 PM - Last modified Sep. 4, 2018 2:00 PM