ForBio Course: Phylogenomics, Part II

Continues from Phylogenomics part I with lectures and exercises focusing on dissecting the phylogenetic signal in the dataset. We will focus on different sources of incongruences and misleading biases. These are rogue taxa, base composition, branch length and evolutionary rate heterogeneity, saturation, paralogy, incomplete lineage sorting, horizontal gene transfer, ancestral hybridization, and contamination. Strategies for thorough sensitivity analyses in phylogenomic studies will be discussed during this week. Participants can bring and use their own data sets during this part.

Teachers: Torsten Hugo Struck (, NHM, UiO; and Patrick Kück (, NHM London

Objectives: Advances in high-throughput sequencing and genomics have revolutionized research in evolutionary biology and systematics. The use of genomics data in phylogenetic analyses has brought new challenges in terms of data handling and analysis. This course aims to help those that have basic experience in bioinformatics and molecular phylogenetics, and have projects focused on high-throughput sequencing data and phylogenetics, to become acquainted with tools, programs and pipelines for phylogenomics and want to contact phylogenomic studies beyond the standard also addressing potentially confounding biases in their datasets.

Prerequisites: Participation of the first week to be able to participate in the second week.

Click here for more information about the course.

If you have not already done so, please confirm your participation in the second week. If we do not receive a confirmation by the deadline we will assume that you do not want to participate.


Maximum number of participants is 16.

Confirmation deadline is January 21, 2017.

Contact Galina Gusarova ( or Torsten Hugo Struck ( for more information.



Published Jan. 12, 2017 1:50 PM - Last modified Apr. 29, 2017 12:35 PM