Transmitting Science and ForBio course: Geometrics morphometrics with plants

Transmitting Science and ForBio are organizing a collaborative course on Geometrics morphometrics with plants.

This course offers a self-contained introduction to geometric morphometrics with a special focus on applications in plant evolution and development. Plant-specific aspects of data acquisition and evaluation are discussed, and the particular possibilities of geometric morphometrics in plants will be highlighted. Lectures about general morphological and developmental characteristics of plants are combined with an introduction to the concepts and techniques of shape analysis. Finally, advanced methods such as regression analyses, modularity tests and comparative phylogenetic analyses are presented. This theoretical basis is complemented by hands-on demonstrations of data collection and analyses.

The main focus of the course will be on landmark morphometrics, but a brief introduction and discussion of outline methods and semilandmarks is also provided.

If there are participants who already have collected their own data, they are encouraged to bring these data for conducting analyses and discussing results.

Cetificate and credits: this course is equivalent to 4 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) and participants who have completed the course and pass an evaluation will receive a certificate at the end of it.

Click here for more information about the course.

For those interested in registering in this course, please do so through the Transmitting Science website

ForBio will cover the registration fee for a selected number of highly motivated ForBio members (please contact Maria Capa and send a short CV and motivation), and will cover the travel and accommodation only for those that are Norwegian ForBio members. All other ForBio members and associates are welcome to participate at their own expense and will get a 20% discount on the course fee.

A 30% of the course fee may be required as a confirmation of assistance for all participants, amount that will be reimbursed to the selected ForBio members during the course.

Contact Maria Capa for more information.

Published Dec. 6, 2016 8:14 AM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2016 8:14 AM