Transmitting Science and ForBio course: Geometrics Morphometrics and Phylogeny

Transmitting Science and ForBio are co-organizing a course on "Geometric Morphometrics and Phylogeny".

This course provides an overview of the interface between geometric morphometrics and phylogenetics. It aims to give an overview of the different approaches and methods that link the two fields and to enable participants to apply them to their own research problems. Lectures that introduce concepts and methods are integrated with demonstrations of software that put them into practice right away.

The main emphasis is on mapping shape data on existing phylogenies to reconstruct the evolutionary history of shape diversification, as well as comparative methods that take phylogeny into account. To enhance the practical approach of the course, participants are encouraged to bring their own data to conduct analyses and discuss results.

Teachers: Dr. Chris Klingenberg, University of Manchester

Number of participants: Places are limited to 16 participants and will be occupied by strict registration order.

Requirements: Basic knowledge of Statistics and Geometric Morphometrics. All participants must bring their own personal laptop

Cetificate and credits: This course is equivalent to 2 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) at the Life Science Zurich Graduate School and ForBio

Click here for more information about the course.

For those interested in registering in this course, please do so through the Transmitting Science website. Please indicate you are a ForBio member/associate.

ForBio will cover the registration fee for all accepted ForBio members. ForBio associates can get a 20% discount on the course fee. ForBio will cover travel and accommodation only for Norwegian ForBio members. A 30% of the course fee may be required as a confirmation of assistance for all participants, amount that will be reimbursed to ForBio members during the course.

Contact Maria Capa for more information.

Published May 8, 2017 11:41 AM - Last modified May 8, 2017 11:41 AM