ForBio courses


Time and place: , Online


Time and place: , NTNU, Trondheim

In collaboration with Biodiversity Genomics Europe and BigTree, ForBio invites applicants to the course Barcoding with ONT MinION: Theory and Practice. The course will be held at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway.

Time and place: , Björnlunda, Södermanland, Sweden
Time and place: , Virtual

ForBio and GBIF Norway invite applicants to course "Data Usage with GBIF" organised as part of HKDIR project "BioDATA Advanced– Accelerating biodiversity research through DNA barcodes, collection and observation data". The course is taught in collaboration between UiO and SANBI in Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Time and place: , Göteborg University, Sweden

What to consider when naming and describing taxa

An in-person course directly following the Swedish Conference “Systematikdagarna” in late November 2024

A four day course (Wed, 20 Nov – Sat, 23 Nov) at Göteborg Natural History Museum, following Systematikdagarna (Mon, 18 Nov – Tue, 19 Nov) at Göteborg University, Sweden